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Find the help you need > Disability Services > Physical Activity and Fitness Education/Promotion for Physical Disabilities

Physical Activity and Fitness Education/Promotion

Programs that promote the benefits of an active lifestyle and encourage people of all ages to participate in regular physical activity as a means of improving health, preventing disease and enhancing the overall quality of their lives. The programs may be tailored for specific populations such as children, adolescents, older adults, employees or people with disabilities; and generally explain why physical activity is important, offer suggestions regarding easy ways to integrate physical activity into a daily routine (such as taking the stairs, going for a walk or parking further away than one usually does), describe specific benefits that can be experienced (such as building strong bones, strengthening muscles, maintaining flexibility, achieving and maintaining ideal weight, maintaining cardiovascular health, meeting new friends and improving physical self-esteem), and provide guidelines for the type and level of activity that is required to develop and maintain fitness or achieve other health-related goals.

2 Locations offering the requested services. Providers are listed by city
111 Autumn Road
Lakewood, NJ 08701
(732) 397-5056 Service/Intake   Wheelchair Vans
(877) 671-2911   Car Donations
Ocean County
74 Caja del Rio Road
Santa Fe, NM 87507
(505) 470-1815 Service/Intake   riding program
(505) 988-7621 Service/Intake
(505) 424-7440 FAX
Santa Fe County
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